Greenwich Design Merry Christmas 2020


Merry Christmas

Greenwich Design

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A Bonkers Year!

This year has been bonkers and it’s only our amazing clients and a sense of humour that have kept us all going through lockdown, so thanks to everyone who’s been there for us, we hope that you have the best Christmas you can considering everything that’s been thrown at us this year.

Here’s a quick run through how we’ve dealt with some of the low-lights of lockdown and we hope you relate with at least some, if not all of them.

Despite all this madness, there’s been some real positives to enjoy like the nationwide show of support for our frontline staff in the NHS, some genuine acts of kindness in making sure the less able to cope members of our local communities get fed and on the whole, people doing their bit to stay safe, despite mixed messages from our Government and their constant changing of rules.

Let’s kick this year into touch and see if we can come back in 2021 well rested, hopefully well fed and raring to go.

See you on the other side 😉

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